Friday, February 6, 2009

Matt and Kim

Don't we just love them! Yes we Do! We love their new video, their new song.

Hollywood Holt

Nigel aka Hollywood Holt has been around the scene for years and maybe this year could be his year to put his foot on the map.

Totally Michael

If you have not heard of Totally Michael you will soon. He is infecting the pop world with his infectious songs that are colorful and full of energy that'll be sure to ger yoru booties off the ground!

Label: I Heart Comix
Myspace: Totally Michael

Flowers For Dorian

Members from Dorian Grey/Beneath This Ashen Sky evolved into a very more refined sound adding a more mature softer side. They are doing right this time around catching the attention of everyone and captiving the chicago scene, they are sure to go far this year.

Myspace: Flowers For Dorian